記者会見in NY:Protesters Arrive in NY to Campaign Against Japanese War Shrine(071102)

Protesters Arrive in NY to Campaign Against Japanese War Shrine
Rally at Japanese Consulate and UN demands Removal of
Korean & Taiwanese Names from Infamous Yasukuni shrine
November 2, 2007 – Korea
Press contact: Juyeon Rhee, 917-656-0156

声明文: Anti-Yasukuni Campaign for Human Rights and Peace


Anti-Yasukuni Campaign for Human Rights and Peace

Today, we’ve come here together for the Anti-Yasukuni Campaign for human rights and peace. We’re asking everyone who cares about peace, justice, and human rights to join with us to say no to war and no to the Yasukuni Shrine.

2007 Anti-Yasukuni U.S. Campaign Summary

1. Objective:
 to publicize the Yasukuni issues in the U.S. through Cartoon Exhibition of KOCARUS(original name Prof. Ko, Gyoung-Il)
 to gain support for the Anti-Yasukuni campaign in U.S. Academic communities through the International Academic Symposium and to plan for the future strategy
 to publicize the Yasukuni issues in Korean American communities in Los Angeles and New York with testimonies and movie screening
 to make contacts with the UN to gain support and interest of the UN Human Rights Council in the Anti-Yasukuni campaign




07年靖国反対共同行動in New Yorkへの賛同・参加のお願い

各 位

      07年靖国反対共同行動in New Yorkへの賛同・参加のお願い

                          事務局長 弁護士 内田 雅敏

 皆さま お元気でお過ごしのことと拝察申し上げます。
